
How To Do Cmyk Color In Paint Tool Sai


This group promotes artists who practice vector work in relation to My Footling Pony: Friendship is Magic.
It brings more than of the truthful style and nature of the evidence to life. This grouping also works equally a ground for collecting different vectors in one big gallery for easy browsing. This makes it piece of cake for anyone who wants to use high-quality transparent images for comics, videos, t-shirts, posters, wallpapers, so much more than.

Want to bring together? Please read the rules first!

Rules terminal updated: 2016 Sep 10

What is a vector?

A vector is a blazon of digital image built from shapes instead of pixels, which can be scaled indefinitely and modified without loss of quality. They expect like this. You can find a more detailed clarification on Wikipedia.

:bulletblack: What does it look like to create a vector?

:bulletblack: How can vector files be used?

0.1 Only a few programs tin create vectors!
Examples of proper vector programs are Inkscape (free, nearly recommended), Illustrator (also recommended), Ponyscape (experimental derivative of Inkscape, recommended), and Photoshop (non recommended), while programs which CANNOT make vectors are, for example, GIMP, Paint Tool SAI and Pigment.NET.

Grouping rules:

:bulletpurple: one.1 Membership in this group is merely for people who create vectors that tin can be contributed to our gallery.
But please note that you have the ability to watch united states for new deviations past but clicking the +Sentry push button on the sidebar to the left. If you do want to join first read the rules listed beneath under How to Join. Requests are Non automatically accepted and if you haven't read the rules you will be denied!

:bulletpurple: 1.2 This group has a loftier quality standard.
Please- nosotros know it'south really difficult, but please don't take it personally when we signal out problem areas and ask for fixes in your vectors- this is normal. We have nothing merely a tremendous amount of respect for anyone willing to put themselves out there and create new material, so we just desire to encounter your work be the all-time it can exist, and are willing to volunteer our own fourth dimension to help yous out with that. Information technology means you have our support in making prove accurate piece of work- if that is what y'all're going for. To that cease, we watch out for gallery submissions with the common errors explained in our illustrated pony quality guides and tell you nearly it then that it tin can meet our Submission Rules. r/MLPvectors on Reddit is some other great customs for vectors that specializes in helping newcomers.

:bulletpurple: 1.three Members who are banned, who delete their accounts or haven't submitted anything for half dozen months may exist removed until they return with new cloth that meets the current group standards. If this applies to yous, and you are reapplying, see rule 2.5 for more details.

:bulletpurple: 1.4 When you utilise an existing vector, link to the source to credit the original writer.
Calculation a watermark or refusing to acknowledge the content owner is considered serious fine art theft. Follow sharing etiquette! If the owner stated they want no reuses of their work y'all should never be posting any.

:bulletpurple: 1.five The admins have the right to make the last phone call in all grouping related decisions. We WILL judge all gallery submissions based on subjective criteria, including whether your work is safety for kids, has a high quality blueprint, good colors, and a shut resemblance to the show. We accept the correct to remove gallery items that have already been accepted for subjective reasons equally well. Membership is not guaranteed to anyone, and nosotros can remove users from the grouping if we decide it is necessary.

How to join:

:bulletyellow: ii.1 You MUST have at least iv FIM-related prove-accurate vectors that meet our Submission Rules in your gallery made entirely by yous, so we tin see if your work has the quality nosotros're looking for. At least 2 of these should be a full-body shot of a pony species grapheme (catechism or otherwise), every bit this is the most mutual entry within this group. The other two may exist other species, objects, backgrounds or other FIM-related vectors in show-manner, but we will exist able to be ameliorate judge your work based on character shots over other types of works.

:bulletyellow: ii.ii Submit a membership asking by pressing the "Bring together our Group" push in the sidebar. Post the links to the 4 vector works you want in the group, and tell us what program you made them with. Please let u.s. know that yous agree to our rules by including the icon linked at the bottom of this post. If you have any questions you can add them to the body of your mail service to get a reply.

:bulletyellow: ii.3 Exist patient after submitting your asking, every bit it may take upward to 7 days for it to be processed. Submitting multiple requests volition tedious the process.

:bulletyellow: 2.4 If yous go declined, y'all can always try once more in the future. There's no harm in getting a deprival from u.s.a.. Also, remember that y'all tin simply add the group to your deviantWatch (click the +Scout button on the left sidebar) to see new vectors added to the gallery.

:bulletyellow: 2.v If yous were previously a member and were removed for inactivity, your requirements are a bit less rigorous:
- State at the very start of the application "Re-application". This volition let the states to prioritize your request. Any use of this text from new members will outcome in intentional delays.
- Make note of when yous were last a member and why you lot were removed (inactivity is the usual cause).
- Yous need to provide ii or more than new images, made inside the last six months. You tin supplement those with older images that may already be in the Club to make the required 4. Delight note which are new and which are old.
- Call up to include the Dash icon that shows you concord to the rules (Rule 2.2).

Submission rules:

:bulletred: 3.1 We specialize in, and adopt, testify-accurate images. All the same, nosotros take any fashion as long as the vector is technically sound and follows our Colour Guides when bachelor. Remember to employ the RGB color mode!

:bulletred: 3.ii Low quality, depression accuracy, rough images are not accepted hither. Please exercise, read a tutorial and be sure to read our illustrated pony quality guides, or we'll explicate these problems to you when we see them. Using automatic software tracing results in depression quality and images generated this way are not adequate here.

:bulletred: three.3 The merely accustomed raster format is PNG. JPEGs are non accepted due to the format'south lossy pinch. Download links for more/other formats tin can exist put in the description.

:bulletred: 3.4 Please post your SVGs, PSDs, AIs, FLAs and other vector source files with a download link to a file sharing site like or equivalent in the departure's description. Tutorial here. Vector source files are mandatory for anything that contains traces from the official media, simply are optional for everything else. You can besides upload them to your Scraps, Minus (but create an account so your file won't expire), OneDrive, Dropbox, or some other file host. Other file hosts shouldn't have fake download links or other bad ads, or restrictions on guest downloads.
:bulletwhite: 3.4b FLA, SWF, SVG and APNG are accepted, just not GIFs alone! GIFs are a poor selection of format for publishing your work if yous don't provide alternatives, because they can only accept 256 colors and very rough transparency, where the others have full support for millions of colors and transparency.
:bulletwhite: 3.4c For wallpapers nosotros just accept PNG format images, merely you lot can put formats other than PNG (such as JPG) in the description. Submitted wallpapers must NOT be the kind of content anyone can create in a matter of minutes, and they have to be entirely vector-based. Desktop wallpapers should exist at a high display resolution of at least 1920x1080 (though you lot may include the wallpaper at other resolutions every bit links besides). Wallpapers for mobile devices should be similarly at a high resolution considering new mobile devices will take similar 1920x1080 resolutions. Wallpapers do not have to run into the minimum 3000 pixel size required for other vectors, but delight include your vector file, so people can generate their own sizes.

:bulletred: 3.5a Exported images must be high resolution, so upload your piece of work at minimum 3k x 3k, and recommended 5k x 5k+ so it's equally detailed as possible.
:bulletwhite: three.5b The image size is moot if you don't enable downloading, so brand certain the "permit downloading" box is checked! This applies to ALL submissions including cutie marks and objects.
:bulletwhite: three.5c Please use mutual sense though; getting much higher up 10k is more often than not overkill (too continue in mind that people with slower computers won't fifty-fifty exist able to open such images).
:bulletwhite: 3.5d Since Comics and Tutorials tend to exist very tall, simply make them at least 1000 pixels wide (they do not demand to meet the 3000 pixel minimum size).
:bulletwhite: 3.5e Any epitome that is expected to not have any reuse capability, may be allowed in without meeting the minimum epitome size requirements (3k x 3k) on a case-by-case basis. Examples could include OCs with background, OS with background, etc. In these cases, a high resolution file may exist required privately for critique purposes.

:bulletred: 3.6 Do not put a watermark on your image, and if at that place is text that isn't central to the image please submit another version without it. On an OC you could put a signature only if it is very unobtrusive, but this is heavily discouraged. They are distracting and disrupt the file, making information technology useless for people who would like to use information technology for other projects or personal use. Any submission with DeviantArt'southward watermark will be denied.

:bulletred: 3.vii Content in the group should be safety for all audiences including younger kids, like the show is. For this reason we gauge submissions for kid safety for each detail example, and pass up anything unsuitable for our group's standard. The virtually that'south allowed is lite shipping (cute and not suggestive), and very small-scale amounts of claret like a small cut.

:bulletred: 3.viii To prevent flooding our gallery and watchers, instead of sending in different versions of the aforementioned image, send a pack of the full drove. Yous tin can use a ZIP download or links to the other deviations in the clarification. At that place is a limit of 4 deviation submissions per day to forestall members from submitting their unabridged galleries all at in one case.

:bulletred: three.ix Artwork submitted for consideration must be your own. Deviations submitted by someone other than the original creative person will exist denied/withdrawn. If you find art that you think should be in our gallery, transport the original artist a note suggesting that they join the group.

:bulletred: three.10 Be patient. Submissions are usually candy on a weekly basis, so even if you go no response for a couple days, don't lose hope. It merely means that we oasis't gotten to your submission yet. Considering the queue is usually total of new vectors, and since we're working through them in our spare time, long wait times are to be expected. If nobody responds to your submission after 7 days so please ship the grouping a note so we can have a look.

About the Admins

The administrators are not bad-eyed volunteer vector artists from the customs, who run the group and double-check submissions for issues earlier they are canonical.

Please understand that denying submissions is the about difficult action required of us to keep the group going. Much of the effort spent when critiquing you is to deliver the communication without causing criminal offence by sounding unintentionally hurtful. We are dedicated to giving anybody who is denied the information they need to piece of work on their issues and accept their work accepted.

Every resource should be provided for in the group description, so please read it through. If there's annihilation else, feel gratuitous to contact one of united states with a comment on the main folio or a note, and nosotros tin can answer questions or give constructive criticism.


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